today nothing much happened..
just as usual...
go cousin's house to visit them
but my father's side there mostly went to travelling jor
so only went to my mom's side which is my aunt
staying at KL de..
and we went there around 2 something
and chatted till 3 something
only back
then we tried to book movie all's well end's well
but its fully booked...
not really though
just that all left front 3 rolls..
so we booked for tmr de..
haha ~~
and tonight
me and my 3 sisters and my dad
went to the Mines
cos my 2nd sis wanna go shopping
but in the end
we end up walking around the mines wonderland
but we kinda took some pictures there
but during the way back home...
i took a very good de picture...
which shows my sis very LC de..
but after that my eldest sis wanted me to pump oil for her car..
then i left the camera in the car
so, the nice picture gone le ><
still i took some of it...
almost all my family expect my mom and elder bro
and sook shin u can see my bro
is it really so han yao...
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